Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Watch Krave Spaz

Bloody hell!

I can’t keep everything straight.  I keep letting things slip through the cracks.  Ever have one of them – I was gonna say days but this has now been weeks!  When you are juggling so many items that some of them just get away from ya?  Yeah well I’m havin’ one of them.

Every time I look round somethin’ else pops up.  Not big things yet. I haven’t forgotten to pay the mortgage for example, but I did forget to update the computer ownership list at work which caused a minor uproar when a machine which showed as available actually wasn’t and the machine in question was a tad high scale for the person that received it.  He may have been a favorite of that bastard Krave!  You know how he is!

I realised that it was getting out of contol when I’m listening to “The Pavements” – “Best friends arms”.  Horrible.  So horrible in fact that I completely lost the thread of what the hell I was doing.  Like I said so much stuff going on at the moment and no where to turn.

Then this comes in from Quagmire, http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,192041,00.html.  It’s a news story about a guy who swapped a paperclip for a house, not in one go.  Like I was thinking, but a paper clip for this, then that for something else.  So on and so forth till he got himself a house.  What the hell is that?!

See I should be working!   I have heaps to do, suddenly.  “Suddenly?”, I hear you say.

Well yeah.  It’s like this..

Me Dad is coming over, I almost said into town but he lives in Spain, not Georgia.  At the same time Teacher is finishing the movin’ in process.  Not that much of a problem, just a  lot of stuff to do to get everything ready.  OhmyGod there’s another Pavement song.  Yep they suck.  Sorry I have a chunk of Teachers music collection on my PC – I’m trying to broaden my music appreciation – so I listen to it on random then demote anything I don’t like.  That was I should eventually only have stuff that I like.  Ugh-huh..

Wow – see what I mean?!  I’m all over the freakin’ place!

Anyway when my Dad comes over he’s doing the three or four state tour, starting in San Francisco and ending up in Phoenix Arizona, via Vegas.   (I spelt every one of them wrong.  Thank you spell checker.)  All by car.  All in 7 days.  I was going to say – “on ya own big man!  Knock ya self out!”.  That sounds harsh I know but I’ve done it before (Ahh the foo-fighters, much better) and he snores like a freakin’ yeti.  You have know idea.  Ok.  Teacher might.
So I was going to let him go by himself.  I was going to suggest that Teacher and I go up to Niagara with him when he got back.  Unfortunately work had different plans and  they scheduled training, out of town of course, for the last three days that he is here.  That’s so freakin’ rude (I like Radio Birdman as well) that I decided.  What the hell.

“Teacher”, I said “find us some flights darlin’!  Where gonna feakin’ well go with em!  Yes we are!”
“Really?!”, She said, her eye’s all agow.  “I’ve never been to California!  Or Arizona.  Or..”

The problem is that we are leaving next week.  It hasn’t quite settled in.  Shit the fact that my Dad is going to be staying with me hasn’t settled in!  Wow, my eyes are prickling.

“Don’t you know that you are a shooting star!” oops started singing out loud them..

I think I’m a bit more focused for getting that out.  Thanks for listening.


Blogger HotDudi said...

Well!?! How'd it go with your dad then??

July 21, 2006 at 6:19:00 AM EDT  

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