Friday, July 07, 2006

Oh dear God. I've died and gone to PC heaven!


What with this that and the other, I haven’t been on.  Last night’s adventures however need to be spoken of.

You may remember a while back that I suggested – perhaps rather strongly, perhaps with a touch of sarcasm – that Surly was a sad bastard because he has three PC’s running at any one time.


I now have five of the buggers!  Mwhahhahhaha! Awesome!

The story?

Well Teacher as ya know is moving in – partly why I haven’t been writing, too bloody tired from moving stuff in or round or over!  *grin*  Anyway.  I decided last night that we had to get the desk out of the spare room.  I had meant to set it up as the office when I first moved in.  After I had this monstrous desk in there I realised that it would never work because I couldn’t put any entertainment in there as well.  The desk was simply that freakin’ large.  
After I finished putting up the blinds – oh I got new windows put on Wednesday.  Really bad idea by the way, don’t have major work done on the house the day after a holiday.  Especially if you are hosting a cookout.  It’s above 80 degrees and you are expected to entertain.  You will end up drinking beer.  Of course the more you drink, the easier it is to justify having the next one!  

Sorry I digress.  After finishing with the blinds,  holy crap my arms were hurting.  I woke up Teacher – she had a rough night, what with me snoring (“I don’t snore!”) and not having any blinds up in the windows she didn’t sleep well the night before.  I mentioned that we should simply dismantle the desk and throw it in the garage until Surly could come round with a truck to pick it up.  Oh.  Yeah.  I had told Surly that he could have the desk if he could get it up his stairs.  I really didn’t want another 36” tv story!

When she finally woke up – for a while there she didn’t know who she was, let alone where or what time it was – she jumped on the idea with gusto.

An hour later and we were putting the tiny pieces of desk back together – not as you might think in the garage – but in the basement.  “Lets see what it looks like”, she said little realizing at the time what a monster she had unleashed.  After all, once it was rebuilt I had to set up all the stuff that I had been squeezing onto the two foot wide credenza!

Went to bed at eleven in a bit of a fog, what with doing physical exercise and all, dropped right off.

Let me tell ya, when I went down to the basement this morning to pick up my work PC, I groaned with pleasure at the sight and almost made a mess in my pants.  That’s how sexy it looks!

Sorry Teacher but your right.  There is no way that your going to get me out from behind there now.  I am the king of all I survey!  Ha!

Oh did I mention that I have a unimpeded view of the tv!  *shudder*


Blogger jc said...

Awesome! Always thought that desk was pretty snazzy. Bet it looks fabulous downstairs! I can visualize what you did, and the view of the TV makes it perfect! Hugs!

July 7, 2006 at 11:27:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Greg the Surly said...

For the record. The Surly One has 4 PCs. pfft. Like anyone could survive on 3.

July 11, 2006 at 8:51:00 AM EDT  

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