Tuesday, August 08, 2006

And where the hell have you been young man?!

I’ve been away again. I know.

It’s all this travel. I’m still recovering!


  • My Dad and his girly arrived had a great time and made it back home OK. What a great time that was, now I’m home sick to see the kids. Ah well.

  • Eldest got her exam results back and she passed all but one of her exams. I’m a very proud dad, let me tell ya! Oh and when I ask what she wanted for her birthday next month , you know what she said? No? She tells me “dad, you already gave me my birthday money for the trip to London.” What a kid! *grin*

  • Addicted to another bloody video game. Bollocks! I don’t want to be! I want to sleep! Nope, must just have a look at this part of the map where I haven’t been yet. Oh look somewhere to new kill stuff. Oh look new weapons. Oh now I can go over here and enchant this long sword with paralyze 10 seconds so that I can get my long sword skill up and really have to worry about dying that much. Yeah. Sad I know.

  • Noow called. That’s what I decided to call my baby brother. His wife to be asked if it was true that I would be “celebrating” my 40th next year. Bloody hell I had only called to find out about the dates for the wedding. Still don’t know if he told ma dad. Came as a bit of a shock to realise that my 40th was looming large. Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy where I am and what I’ve become. Just seems odd to be 40. So Noow’s wedding is at the end of April at Glen Eagles. In Scotland. I may even kilt it up.. Ha!

  • The relaxing weekend after coming back from training. (I’m the only one of my peers that passed the certification test! *snicker*) Never happened. Ended up going canoeing on Saturday. A day on this really slow moving river with the people from work. Would have been boring if it hadn’t been for the water guns that could hurl water 30 feet! Oh and even then it would have been shitty if Teacher hadn’t been in the back of boat egging me on when no-one could hear her. All I could here while everyone’s shooting me is cackling from that back of the boat as she maneuvers me into the line of fire! *grin* Fun though.

  • Feeling like a fat bastard. I can’t believe how much we had to eat while my dad was here! Holy shit every night it was a three course bugger! No more of that. Perhaps I’ll go on his legendry diet. On second thoughts the idea of eating nothing but egg for a couple of weeks doesn’t sound that appealing. Perhaps I’ll just *cough* exercise *cough*

That’s about all for now. I will find time to write more.


Blogger HotDudi said...

Oh goodie! :-)

I missed your updates :-/

Sounds like things are good your end :-)

I'll expect another update soon then shall I!?!

August 8, 2006 at 4:47:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Greg the Surly said...

Let the debauchery begin! This is gonna be a week for the history books. I'm thinking Roadhouse and Sci Fi. You know what I'm talkin' bout.

August 10, 2006 at 11:17:00 AM EDT  

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