Thursday, August 10, 2006

Have I lost the plot do ya think?

Heard or at least half heard something this morning that surprised me.

No. Not the warbling of a African Hoopoe nor the delicate but under appreciated mating call of the Pacific Tree Frog. No. What I heard from my bed side clock radio this morning was this.

If you were to drink one can of soda, Coke for example every day for a year and you didn’t exercise (I presumed that bit – what do you want from me? I was asleep!) you would put on about 30lbs in weight.

“Well that’s interesting”, my sleep induced mind thought. Then.

“Good job I don’t drink that much pop”

“Except at lunch time”

“Because it’s not in a can doesn’t mean it’s better for you”

“Holy crap! I drink heaps of fizzy drinks every day! Gallons of it in fact!”

“Is that why I’ve become a fat bastard? Makes more sense than food since I’ve cut down on my intake to now effect. Especially when I’m always drinking pop with lunch and you have to drink that massive mega gulp when you upgrade your French fries..”

“The African Hoopoe is pretty”


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