Wednesday, August 23, 2006

What is it about the ending of summer?

Two things always seem to happen to me that I seem to forget about until it happens again..

The first is that I always seem to be skint at the beginning of August, this state seems to continue (basically living check to check) for the rest of the year, usually through to February when the taxes come in.  Then it's flush-a-roony until August again!

I know.  I just realised it as well.  I need to get a second job, or perhaps do something drastic like budgeting..  Humm there's a thought now.  How very interesting.  I must look into this shocking concept.

On this same point I'm fuckin' miserable at the moment.  I find myself in bungee pay.  That's the place where you've committed to stuff that you could afford in the winter, but as the year stretches out.  It's like you jumped off a bridge with a bungee cord on and as you get to summer it reaches it's maximum stretch.  At this point I don't know if I'm going to hit the rocks below or if I measured it correctly and it will all start contracting back on itself giving me extra cash..

Mostly because of this rather bazaar phenomenon I'm a pain in the ass to be around, ask Teacher, she'll tell ya.

Blah..  Enough of this shit.  I seem to remember that I went through this miserable time a while ago and found a way through it with some kind of new age method.  I know I wrote about, just got to try and find it, again.

Definately don't need to get my drink on.  I think I may have broken something last Saturday, not really sure since I only remember the first three beers and the first couple of shots then it's a blank.  Woke up at home but in the wrong bed.  Woke up at 2pm, then promptly had to have a nap to take the edge off.  *sigh*


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