Monday, September 11, 2006

The week that was

While I'm waiting for this bloody DVD to finish burning and I'm on hold with Dell to get that board replaced, I thought I'd do a quick update.

The week that was..

Last week was rather hectic.  OK it was only four working days but the blinding hangover from the Sunday lunchtime session sort of extended it. It was worth while though.  Need to push the boat out a bit :)

So Monday - Labor day - was spent in a chair looking after teacher when she made the small forays into conciseness.  Poor girl can't function till 5pm if she ties one on properly.  She's still not as bad as Noo the baby brother who now takes days to recover!  *grin*

Tuesday - Don't really remember except that it couldn't have been good.  Oh I know they approved my refinance application so it was loads of scanning and signing.  Oh that's right!  We went to see the amazing "Radio Birdman" touring the US for the first time.  Great show, good warmup band as well.  The place was mobbed as well!  Never see it that busy in the four times I've been to that venue.  (Did I sound like I get out to concerts a lot?  That's what I was going for, not the "I stay at home in front of a PC a lot and like to keep in touch with myself.")

Wednesday - No Caffeine and no sleep.  Day was sort of a strange blur.  Panicking because of the appointment to see if I have a sleep disorder on Thursday, bit of blur, more panicking.

Thursday - Hadn't had any caffeine or sugar for 12 hours when I got to work.  Huge bags under my eyes. Tired as shit, did realise how very much I depended on stimulants to get through the day.  My appointment wasn't until 8pm.  I was a freakin' wreck.  I started trying to nod off at bloody 2pm.  Not quite sure how I made it through the day but I did.  Later at the hotel where they were going to wire me up they were running behind.  The tech didn't arrive till 9, thankfully they let us into our rooms so that we could at least get ready.  My tech stuck her head in about 9:45 and asked if I minded if she setup the guy next door since he went to bed at ten normally.  Having spent some time with the gentleman in question I read that as; "Please let me do him first because he's an obnoxious CEO type of personality".  Come 11pm I'm under the covers - the room was freezing - fading in out of consciousness when she comes in to hook me up.  Turns out that it's a good idea to do some research before you do stuff like this.  Saves embarrassment later.  She sticks little electrodes all over me and plugs em into a box.  All the while she's trying to keep me talking.  Probably a good job she did cos I was having trouble staying awake.  Finally I get to go to bed.  Tubes up my nose, bands around my chest and abdomen, oh and electrodes in strange places.  I swear to minutes after she turned out my lights I was asleep.  Three short hours later she's waking me up to say that I had stopped breathing and here put this on.  Next thing I know I've been moved to the middle of the bed, I have a headset on with nose plugs like a Freeman still suit and I'm fading out again.  The rest of the night was uneventfully except about 6am, when they started messing with the pressure setting on the box which did some strange stuff.

Friday - I felt amazing.  I was energised.  I was AWAKE!  I still have a very vivid memory of myself waking up on Thursday night after they stuck the pump on me, my eyes popping open and my mouth hanging open.  Unable to breath and starting to panic.  All of a sudden the pump kicked in and it forced air in and suddenly my mouth closed and I faded out again.  Bliss!  They rest of the day was spent in a frenzy of activity.  I got all that stupid stuff done.  The stuff that i'd been putting off.  I had so much energy, even though I couldn't have had more than 5 hours sleep.  I realise that I had actually had sleep though. 

Since then of course I now know what it's like to actually have sleep at night it's sucking ass.  I realise that I'm exhausted.  Ahh well hopefully I'll get my own pump soon :)

From the week that was, this is Krave signing out.


Blogger jc said...

Wow what a scary story! Hope you're doing alright and they can come up with a therapy that works for you! Hugs!

September 12, 2006 at 3:27:00 AM EDT  

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