Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Get him in a bloody cube!

I tried to write earlier, what with being at work till midnight and then this morning trying to convince the customer that they can in fact treat there IT guy like anyone else.  They don't have to treat him with kid gloves in fact it's only adding to the probems!

For Christ sake!  He's living in an office behind a locked and bolted door that only three other people can access and I'm in a differant state!  He doesn't have the keys to a nucular weapon silo!  Hell he was off for a couple of weeks and after all the eww'ing and ahh'ing about "oh what happens if this happens?". "What'll you do if that happens?". "We have to have someone on site"

Bollocks I said, he came back to no tickets and I was looking afer his "really busy" queue by myself as well as my own shit.  So don't tell me it will all fall apart if he's not there.  No one is indespensible and if they are you have a serious problem with your orginization!

Anyway it was a fifteen hour day yesterday and I was hoping that i could post the view of the friuts of my labours.  I know that sentence didn't work but I really wanted to get that "fruit of my labours" bit in.  Sounds a lot like "low hanging friut".  OK maybe not now that I see it writen down.  In fact the only thing it has in common is the word fruit.

Ahh well night all.  I'm going back to my Yuengling :)


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