Insights from the weekend
It was as strange weekend. I'm still figuring out all that happened. One of the biggest is that I believe that I may be over the fear of water, we shall see later this summer when the lake is warm enough to swim in :)
Someone asked me "Why do you use big words all the time"
People ask me that all the time. Sometimes as a slur, they think that I'm making up the words or trying to show them up because they don't understand what I said.. After thinking about it, it turns out that I think it's to compensate for all the F bombs that I drop in casual conversations. My mother always told me that you swear because you have a small vocabulary. Err sorry, no. It turns out I have quite an extensive vocabulary, thank you very much, I just happen to swear more than most, must be the accent that lets me get away with it. Most people who don't know me can't understand half of what I say, fortunately that half is usually swearing and there brains skip over it as if they convince themselves that they didn't in fact hear that well rounded 'uckers.
So there ya go. I have plenty of large words, but imagine how freakin' nerdish I would be if I didn't swear all the time! :)
Condition: Comparative Flashbacks
Definition: When you start dating again after an extended period of abstinence, you start comparing every women to the last one that broke your heart. Some times with startling side effects, such as the release of all the unresolved feelings from that last relationship.
Resolution: Find a friend, indulge your favorite intoxicant and expunge the bile from your soul.
Told ya I know big words didn't I ;)
Someone asked me "Why do you use big words all the time"
People ask me that all the time. Sometimes as a slur, they think that I'm making up the words or trying to show them up because they don't understand what I said.. After thinking about it, it turns out that I think it's to compensate for all the F bombs that I drop in casual conversations. My mother always told me that you swear because you have a small vocabulary. Err sorry, no. It turns out I have quite an extensive vocabulary, thank you very much, I just happen to swear more than most, must be the accent that lets me get away with it. Most people who don't know me can't understand half of what I say, fortunately that half is usually swearing and there brains skip over it as if they convince themselves that they didn't in fact hear that well rounded 'uckers.
So there ya go. I have plenty of large words, but imagine how freakin' nerdish I would be if I didn't swear all the time! :)
Condition: Comparative Flashbacks
Definition: When you start dating again after an extended period of abstinence, you start comparing every women to the last one that broke your heart. Some times with startling side effects, such as the release of all the unresolved feelings from that last relationship.
Resolution: Find a friend, indulge your favorite intoxicant and expunge the bile from your soul.
Told ya I know big words didn't I ;)
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