Link control and medications.
I do believe that she's gone and done it to me again! I think that she plugged herself back in. No that's unfair. I gave her somewhere to plug into. I just didn't realise it till this morning.
It makes a hell of a difference knowing it's been done though. I can actually, if not remove it at least feel it and reduce the effects of the link. Don't know what the hell I'm talking about? Check out the May 18th entry - A blinding epiphany.
Just gotta keep reminding myself that if I suddenly find myself getting depressed for no reason, it's probably not me. Of course that also brings to light the fact that She must be feelin' that depressed, no? *sigh* What can I do? She doesn't want to change anything so there's no point in worrying about it yet.
Spoke to Surly yesterday and it seems that he is over his addiction again. Video games - especially the on-line ones can be rather evil like that. One minute your just dabbling then your up at 2 in the morning cos if you get just one more item.. Ya know how that goes.. Anyway he's decided that he wants to start venturing out into the world again.. *snicker* Oh dear.. This could get interesting :) I see cabaña bars in my future.. *grin*
We really do need to get him an apartment though.. All this traveling in from the boonies is killin' the spontaneity man!
Oh and these bloody bites are killin' me! I can't take the stuff that I'm supposed to cos it'll knock me on my ass. In other words I'll pass out. So I'm on aspirin, seems to be taking the edge off. At least it's letting me walk properly.
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