Thursday, August 25, 2005

Fatherly frustration

It would appear that the euphoria has worn off. I'm buggered today. Of course it could have been the two bottles of Yuengling that I popped last night. I don’t think that I was drunk but I must admit that I was shouting at the TV by the end there. Wow! That's good stuff! *grin*

Sufficed to say, I'm feeling very average this morning. In my own defense though, it was accidental. I didn't mean to get buzzed.. Honest!

Must call the Eldest today as well, she's making the "I don't know if I can get the grades, so I'm going to..", noises. It's funny that when your thirteen you start thinking that this is the prime of your life. Then it just starts moving. Every couple of years you say to yourself "Ahh yes. I was such an arse when I said I was in my prime. Now I know so much more and I have such a better grasp of what's going on!" Before you know it you have kids that are 15 and you just know that they have just started thinking that too.

I never understood why they let the you out for 6 weeks, then put the thumb screws on you for the twelve weeks up to the exams. Why not keep that year in school. Don't let them out for six weeks! Keep em in school so that they are prepared for the exams! *sigh*

Sorry frustrated. I really want my kids to go to college. Even if I end up paying for it..


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