Thursday, August 18, 2005

Missions, Nurses and Albino moles.

Ah yes Mission Impossible. Ugh-huh. Sure.

After waiting with baited breath - what the hell does that mean anyway? I have this image of Tom the cat with his mouth wide open and a hump of cheese at the back of his tongue waiting in front of Jerry hole - Oops sorry a tangent. Any way all day I'm all excited about where there going to send me, later in the morning they even remove the terror of not knowing what the hell I'm doing by sending a check list of what were supposed to ask! Brilliant! *grin* Then they change the time of the meeting to 5pm instead of 3, fair enough. 5 o'clock arrives and I jump on the call 5 full minutes early.. Nada for another 15, I'm the only one on the call. WTF. Ah here they are all harassed, the other two on the call have just got off a teleconference marathon, 4 hours and 5 respectively. I'm all for keeping it brief. Then the bomb shell. The guy that's supposed to be visiting with me is already on a plane! The bastard left without me! My services will probably not be required anymore.. *sniff* I was going to escape for a while! *weep*

Oh and the Kids are coming over in October. Don't know if I told ya's that. Pictures should appear here..

(The Eldest feels better in a crowd. The Red one is her. Sorry darling' did I embarrass you again?) Look kids if you don't like the pictures perhaps you could send some of your own! *grin*

So they are coming over in October for 10 days and I 'm going down to see them in Florida. Oops, must ask the boss for the time off.. I should be going to see them. I was looking for hotels and stuff by where there going to be and stuff. Oh it’s going to be expensive!

Went to the doctors today for a checkup and to check that I don't have "anything". I really don't believe that I have but Roxy used to call me a tart and it's been driving me nuts that I could have something nasty. Ya know what I mean. Anyway the Doctor dissed me again, this is the second appointment I've had with her and the second time that she hasn't been able to see me. It all worked out for the best, I got to see Nursie instead, lovely girlie. Did all the nasty probing, prodding and poking in such as way that even though it's been a year and eight months. Her being hot and me being mostly neck-ed she didn't "set me off" if ya know what I mean. She did keep asking me if I was ok. I said "Sure, why?". "Well. You've gone very quite and your face didn't change." The "while I stuffed my thumb up your arse" went unsaid. "I was being stoic", says I, being all manly. She has a nice laugh :) Turns out that that strange pale lump is a mole. "Does it bother you", she asks. "Doesn't bother me", I say shyly, "I would think that girls might be a tad disturbed by it though". "I don't think I would even notice", she says, staring at it.

After I dress and she's telling me all the tests she's going to have run and what the procedures are I think I distracted her because she neglected to tell me that I was supposed to go down to the lab to have blood taken. I just blithely saunter out and go upstairs to the office. Half an hour later and it sinks in that I haven’t had any fluids removed. I go back downstairs and sure enough I have to go visit the lab. That done - five little bottles, no less! I feel so much better about myself again.

I don't know if it was the act of going to the Doctors that was weighing me down or what I wanted to have checked. Who the hell cares! I'm booked in to have the Albino mole removed! Woot! Enough of this. I have to try and work, no?


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