Party, Party, Party!
It would appear that the party went well :) There were a few no shows, but that's understandable. After all I was hosting out of Oldsville! *grin* It was good though. Loads of food, very good food, as it happens. Loads of booze. Quite a few flirty women even though they all had there husbands with em, nice practice :)
Surly kept disappearing with different ones through out the night. *grin* Need to find that boy a fully fledged girlie!
Supposed to put the car into the body shop today, which means a walk back from the dealer. Not too bad about a mile I think. Then gotta arrange a cab to get to the airport tomorrow morning, of to sunny San Diego. Of course I couldn't afford direct so I'm bouncing through Houston on the way there and via LA on the way back. Ahh well what can ya do?
The groom to be called me on Saturday(?) to make sure that I was in fact coming and to get my cell phone number. He had quite a lot of difficulty in actually grasping the concept that he has a cell phone that can dial Internationally and mine can't. He kept saying "call me back on the cell so I can keep your number"! What the hell is that?!
Oh every body seemed to like the house. Lots of ohh's and ahh's. Especially the bedroom :) I'll post the pictures as soon I setup the site properly :) I would like to take this moment to thank Surly for preping all the veggies and looking after the kitchen while I was out entertaining. Thanks mate. That really helped.
Here's how it looked by the way.
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