Movies, bees and shaved.
That seems to be the thyme for the past couple of days. I'm starting to think it's because I'm hanging around the smokers again. Withdrawal from second hand smoke. I had a good couple of weeks there that I wasn't around them everyday. Now most days I inhale at least some smoke from the filthy smelly bastards! *grin*
Busy day, didn't really wanna be at work but what can ya do. Once I got my head down and started pluggin' away it went fast enough. Transferred my spending money for the party booze and the wedding into my spending account. *sigh*
A bit sad that the Intern and the Pear Girl won't be there. I obviously didn't do a good enough job of reminding them that it was coming up cos they are going to Canada for the weekend. Oh well.
Called Roxy. Sort of wish I hadn't. Sounds like she's falling apart, health wise. Allegedly numerous relatives of people that work there have complained to OSHA and they won't do anything. It has to be reported in by an employee. Of course which employee, who wants to work for any of the various enterprises - that the blood sucking leach owns - is going to complain? They would find it very difficult to work in this area any more. *sigh* So she's going to see the eye doctor on Saturday and her doctor on Monday.
Got heaps of cleaning to do tonight. At least Shootemup came round last night and hopefully killed all the wasps that were infesting the garage roof. I have to go in when it's dry and plug up the entry holes so the little buggers can't make any more nests. Surly called when Shootemup and I were in Home Depot (God I love that place!) buying stuff for the Garage, the roof is a bit floppy. He turned up later with a movie. Very nice, very relaxing.
So tonight it's finally time to conquer the bathroom and sort the massive pile of clothes in the bedroom. Then play the game for a bit, I think.
Oh. Shaved off my tash and beard last night. Not sure how I feel about that yet. No one seems to have noticed yet, but I didn't realise just how many chins I was developing. Must remember that it takes a year of not smoking before I will start shrinking again. Oh crap, seven more months?! I'm going to be round!
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