Bloody books!
So what can ya do when your reading books that won't let you put them down?
Let me tell ya! You read until two or three in the morning, you have way to many constitutional's during the day.
I wrote the stuff above at 8:30 this morning when I was bored. At 8:33 it all changed. I haven't been off the phone since then :(
Thankfully some of it wasn't for work. I had a pleasant 15 minutes with the Xwife and the kids. I actually feel a tad ill and excited cos I mentioned to the eldest (15) that there may be the option of coming here (US) if she wants to go to college. "Yeah I want to go to University" she tells me matter of factly. "Fine", I said. "Just give me a couple of years to save!". She laughed. I think I'm going to cry.
Realised how much I miss them. I'm getting really broody. One of the women at work brought in one of her baby twins the other day and went all gooey.. Bollocks. Maybe I'm not putting on heaps of weight from smoking maybe I've been abducted by aliens and impregnated. It would explain why all the growth is on my err, what do they call it? Ah yes, tummy ;)
Tired, it helps that Huntsville is in the same boat. At least her mailings seem to suggest that she's freakin' swamped and wants to escape to Memphis for Big Ass Beers, BBQ, and midgy bites!
I bet you money that Roxy calls to say that she was planning on coming over tonight but she had a crappy day and she's just going to go home instead. *shrug* I'm gonna nap then go food shoppin'! See if I care! *grin* Yeah, alright I do but she doesn't need to know that now does she?! *grin*
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