Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Sleepless Spaz alert!

Bollocks. I'm tired. Didn't sleep at all last night. Today should be freakin' brilliant!

Sorry. You dear dedicated reader you don't need to here me whining. It's just that I have a doctors appointment on Thursday and a shopping list of stuff I want to have checked out. Starting to crap my pants. Funny that isn't it the way most guys hate going to the doctor. Especially when until recently they haven't had to have any invasive exams unlike poor women! *shudder*

Anyway. Sorry I didn't get much sleep as already noted and I had to get into work and repair a slight mistake that I made yesterday. I got so carried away looking around Home Depot that I forgot to do something at work. Crept in early and did it before any of the customers were in, so it should be all good.

Bloody hell, I'm repeating myself! *sigh*

Roxy called yesterday, out of the blue as it were, she was actually really nice - damn her - she isn't makin' this any easier but what the hell did I expect? In some respects I was dating myself after all, so what the hell do I expect. I should know what's coming next, but to be honest I don't have a freakin' clue. I really can't believe that she's doin' the nasty with Scaly, it just doesn't bear thinking about. I can't deny that the imagery is surely more effective than a cold shower.

Oh. I ordered the Eldest's shoes a couple of days ago. I should say I re-ordered the bastards and they should be here in a couple of weeks. Which reminds me. Another reason for my spaz attacks is the Florida trip. I'm still not sure when I'm supposed to be down there or how much cash I'm gonna need.. Ugh. I must admit that I can't wait to see the kids. Seriously homesick.

May have given myself away. I published my screen name on Mumsies blog. Will the clever Roxy track down my ramblings?

Is it just me or do I sound like I'm Paranoid?


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