Monday, September 12, 2005

Mellow, disengaged and them soul sucking Bastards

Ah, so happy that I got to flirt this weekend. Now if I could stop these bastards from sucking the happiness right out of me I would be golden.

After a quite Friday night and Saturday Surly came round lookin' for somethin' to do. I decided to take him on a roadtrip to the other side of his new town.

It's a tad strange cos the Eastside is where the "poor" people live. The Westside's where the "swank" live and the Northside is where the rainbow people live. Nothing wrong with the Rainbow people, except in the summer when the spandex speedo's come out or those strange public displays of affection that should be restricted to bedrooms or the 25 cent viewing booths in the look magazine store. No on the benches in the park.

Anyway Surly and I have mainly been in the South-East bars, very general, fairly good mix, what with students from the Westside and the working bodies from the South, ya get the drift. The problem is that it's hard bloody work to stay occupied. So I took him into the heart of Swanksville.

What neither of us realised - and thank the Lord that we went out early - was that there was an Ohio State game on. Now I don't what it's like else where but round here people get a tad carried away with there sports. It's a bit like Scotland like that, for some of these people it's become a religion. Any we find seats. Not twenty minutes later the place is mobbed!

Nicely mobbed mind. There were more girls than guys, well in the bar anyway, the back room with the big screen was a different story :) A couple of beers and some good food made for a good night.

Even went straight to bed when we got back. I was threatening going to the local for a couple, thank God I didn't, had a touch of post entertainment withdrawal. I still managed to clean the fish, must to there enjoyment. There they were trying to throw themselves on the non to gentle mercy of the carpet. I knew I should have covered the tank when I watch "Finding Nemo".

One interesting piece of thought I do remember before the Red Strip wiped away all my cares and worries. Surly suggested that every now and then you should strip the negative influences in your life away. Much like taking the barnicles off a boat. I hadn't realised how many of them there were around me till today.

I stopped handing out my packets of joy. I've been hoarding them all to myself. Now I'm getting all kinds of strange looks and there all scowling at me.

They know! Ha! Bastards! Come and try and suck me dry!


Blogger Greg the Surly said...

That Surly fellow sure is a smart one. He must be like some sort of Zen buddist, but with a really big IQ, and a large penis.

September 12, 2005 at 4:33:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Krave said...

Ugh-huh. With those attributes you should have a grand time in Rainbow town. One would presume that you already have the spandex speedo's..

September 12, 2005 at 4:37:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Greg the Surly said...

Of course. I need to show off the piercings. What else but spandex

September 12, 2005 at 4:39:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Krave said...

Ya had to go there didn't ya! Not bad enough that your off to canada for Halloween and going as a spandex clad lamp post. Will you have a collar on as well, inquiring minds are wondering..

September 12, 2005 at 4:45:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Snooze said...

I so agree with the idea of shedding negative thoughts. I've done that recently myself.

(btw - I do love me the Speedo)

September 13, 2005 at 10:37:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Krave said...

Ah Snooze. You bring a little bit of sunshine to my day :)

September 13, 2005 at 2:00:00 PM EDT  

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