Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Thank the Gods that the war is over

Finally! The war is over!

It's been over a week now that I have been unable to move around freely in open space! The bloody Privateers alliance were crawling all over me like a rash! It was insane for a while there. Especially over the weekend. My stupidity reached it's height on Saturday morning after loosing a third ship while I was minding my own business.

There I was mining away quietly in 1.0 "safe" space, watching TV and looking forward to the evening of gambling for charity. When someone flies into my Asteroid belt, sits there for a minute, then starts blinking black and red. Next thing I know there's a cloud - OK, three - of missiles flying into me! That of course wasn't the worst. No, when the combat drones came flowing out like a swarm of killer bees, I knew I was done. Literally 45 seconds from the first blink of her name to the blinding whiteout as my ship was blown out from under me.

Thankfully she didn't pop my pod, which would have sent me six systems over. And cost me a pretty penny in cash.

So I swoop back my base of operations, more than a little shocked as you can imagine. On the long way back - your pod is even slower than a tanker - I realised that I couldn't stay in the area. Fortunately I had another mining ship all setup a couple of jumps away. What I didn't
have there though was a tanker to haul the results of my mining endeavors. Once back in the station I put a couple of items in the tanker and set out, for safer space.

Before I go on, you need to know that a Hauler the size of the one that I was in, drives the same way you would expect an Oil tanker to. A mile to get up to speed and five to stop. Even then it's only going at a snails pace. Not as slow as that bloody pod, but still.

I pop into space and have the Autopilot set and I start dreaming of the riches awaiting me. Until I notice the TWO flashing names in the top right hand corner of my display. Imagine my horror when I see first my shields - not very good to begin with - then my hull starting to disappear. Due to my Mauler's massive size, like I said it moves hideously slowly. The only thing going for me was that I had just jumped into the pool. Alas, it was like watching a pair of hyena's
taking down a wounded Wildebeest. Next thing I know, a flash and my egg like pod is sitting in space again. Never a good place to be since pods have no protection what so ever. As I blink away the last of the glare, there's another flash and I'm in a station.

Two things.

First off, thank the Gods that I had insurance for the ship and the foresight to buy a decent clone. The only way to *really* feel pain after being podded in EVE is to loose training time, by not having a big enough clone.

Second, just because your in the middle of freakin' no where compared to the rest of your Corporation, it always pays to know when your alliance is at war!