Inquiring minds want to know though!
Oh bollocks (!) Noun. 1. Testicles. S.e. until mid 1800s. 2. Rubbish, nonsense, drivel. E.g."That film was bollocks." Exclam. An expression of anger, frustration, or defiance.* Also written as bollox or bollix.
That’s all I can say. As I sit here quivering.
I’m fairly sure that it’s not that good kind of quivering, like just before ya burst without touching yourself. That’s more of an exhausted, quivering exclamation. No this is defiantly edged with, if not terror or worry. Then excitement and worry.
Why am I babbling away like this?
Roxy’s Reply was waiting for me first thing this morning. I haven’t read it. I can’t! So I cheated and passed it onto a friend unread.
She tells me that it’s very long – I thought it was more you know wide... oh I see – and explains from her perspective. I can’t read it. Not until I have a chance to enjoy this amazing feeling of freedom. I realised last night that I could “feel” her any more. ;0
I know that there is a possibility for the ‘link’ to engage again when I read the missive. According to my source she’s annoyed that the problem was held up for public examination (I can’t imagine why?!) And the last paragraph is very stirring. She advises me as a friend not to read it yet.
Since this goes along perfectly with my original thought it’s perfect! Now I simply have to watch for the phone calls and the – very unlikely this one – the house visit.
So what to do this weekend? Surly’s not going out. He’s having his “melon” surgery today so the odds are that he’s gonna be out of action. I kinda sortta offered to help a mate move his house. The don’t want me for the help so much as entertainment value. The obviously figured out how badly out of shape I am. I keep having these strange urges to go to a gym.. Bloody Snooze! An her inspiring stories of gym life! *grin*
Bloody Adj. Expressing annoyance as an intensifier. E.g."That bloody idiot needs a good thumping." Adv. As an intensifier. E.g."I'll bloody thump that idiot."
Anyway. I want to celebrate this new feeling of liberty. Making out with strange women sounds like the ideal method to me. The question: Should I go tonight or tomorrow?
Hum we shall see how the day progresses.
That’s all I can say. As I sit here quivering.
I’m fairly sure that it’s not that good kind of quivering, like just before ya burst without touching yourself. That’s more of an exhausted, quivering exclamation. No this is defiantly edged with, if not terror or worry. Then excitement and worry.
Why am I babbling away like this?
Roxy’s Reply was waiting for me first thing this morning. I haven’t read it. I can’t! So I cheated and passed it onto a friend unread.
She tells me that it’s very long – I thought it was more you know wide... oh I see – and explains from her perspective. I can’t read it. Not until I have a chance to enjoy this amazing feeling of freedom. I realised last night that I could “feel” her any more. ;0
I know that there is a possibility for the ‘link’ to engage again when I read the missive. According to my source she’s annoyed that the problem was held up for public examination (I can’t imagine why?!) And the last paragraph is very stirring. She advises me as a friend not to read it yet.
Since this goes along perfectly with my original thought it’s perfect! Now I simply have to watch for the phone calls and the – very unlikely this one – the house visit.
So what to do this weekend? Surly’s not going out. He’s having his “melon” surgery today so the odds are that he’s gonna be out of action. I kinda sortta offered to help a mate move his house. The don’t want me for the help so much as entertainment value. The obviously figured out how badly out of shape I am. I keep having these strange urges to go to a gym.. Bloody Snooze! An her inspiring stories of gym life! *grin*
Bloody Adj. Expressing annoyance as an intensifier. E.g."That bloody idiot needs a good thumping." Adv. As an intensifier. E.g."I'll bloody thump that idiot."
Anyway. I want to celebrate this new feeling of liberty. Making out with strange women sounds like the ideal method to me. The question: Should I go tonight or tomorrow?
Hum we shall see how the day progresses.
I say read the missive - you'll just wonder about it anyhow - but refuse to react in any way (by that I mean reply) until after the week-end. Just mull it over. After you go to the gym.
Ya reckon? I'm in such a boyant mood. Of course reading people grovel is always amusing... *grin* How can I ensure not reacting? Pondering..
I agree with Snooze. My first reaction when I read your post was that you should just bite the bullet and read it. You're spending way more time agonising over its contents than if you just read it, experienced all the nagativity associated with it and then moved on. Besides which ... after you've read it, think about how much adrenaline you'll have for either going to the gym, or having sex with strange women!
I just did a bit of research, and it seems the work "Roxy" is an ancient word that describes a Life sucking demoness that feeds off happiness of others simultaniously. Her choice in torture is to keep her prey at bay until all hope for a happy and meaningful life have been sucked away. Honestly! would I lie about something like that in an attempt to keep a freind from relodging his head back in his emotionally crippled backside? I am in fact a prick having a rather pissy day.
Must be that massive mellon, no dought. *grin*
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