Friday, September 23, 2005

The Postal Librarian

Amazing.  It’s 10:20 and I haven’t been talked at yet.

I’m still boyant.  I’m getting shit done.  In fact I didn’t need to get coffee until I’d been in for an hour!  This is marvelous!  Holy Crap I’m in the Zone!

See my normal day is like this…

I come in about 8am.  Stagger around for 10 or 15 minutes..  Hang on let me go back a bit.  I wake up at about 7am.  After slapping the clock I usually surface about 7:30, 7:45… Basically what I’m saying is that unlike some folks that like to putter around the house for a while watching tv and the like before leaving for work.  I prefer to be basically asleep until I’ve had my morning coffee.

Meanwhile back to the story.   So.  While I’m getting coffee I usually run into the Librarian.  Now before I go off on a tirade – just in case, you know how it goes – she’s a lovely women.  Her hearts in the right place, she’s conscientious she works hard and all that good stuff.  She simply has one very annoying habit.  

She talks.

Everyone does that you say.  Not like this.  She actually walks into my office of a morning and regardless of what I’m doing she will start talking.  Not too me mind.  She’s actually told me that she doesn’t care if I’m listening.  She just wants to rant and get it off of her chest.

Now my other friends who have seen this in action can’t understand how I can put up with it.  “But Krave!” they say “All you have to do is shout at her to SHUT THE FUCK UP!” and all will be right with the world and she’ll stop doing it.

Now this may well be true.  I could yell at her.  The problem is that I think that the only thing that is stopping her going “postal” and walking in with an AK-47 and blasting everybody is the half hour she rants to me of a morning.  

Now my problem is that I just realised that she’s sucking my will to live right out of me.  Not in the good way either!  I need to try and move the meeting till after lunch when I usually slip into food coma anyway.  That way I can sit there, asleep, with my eyes open and neither of us cares!

It’s perfect.  Now to try and implement the “Plan”.


Blogger Greg the Surly said...

Your problem is easily solved my foriegn friend. When she comes in Monday morning, tell her you love her, and you can't live without her, also, give her some flowers. Turst me, She will never speak to you again.

September 23, 2005 at 12:47:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Greg the Surly said...

F'ing Gnomes....

September 23, 2005 at 12:48:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Snooze said...

Is she really a librarian? You could try slurping coffee over an open book or underlining things in pen. I would have to run in horror if I saw someone treating any of the books in my library that way.

September 23, 2005 at 2:48:00 PM EDT  
Blogger EarthMother said...

Krave, have you read my post re. how to deal with telemarketers and consumer surveyors? Try that one. Interrupt her every other second, ask her to repeat stuff because you didn't catch it the first time, then start rambling off on a tangent about how your need to find a really good laxative because you're really bunged up and can she recommend any?

September 24, 2005 at 6:02:00 PM EDT  

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