Monday, June 16, 2008

Holy crap! Is it 2008 already?! Crap it's June as well!

Once again, I was reminded that my peeps, who are scattered to the four winds, especially since I moved, have no clue what is going on in Krave land.

Basically lots and lots of changes. So far all for the good.

Have a new place to live, moved to the East Coast and now enjoying the New England lifestyle ;) There is of course some nonsense, there always is, but for the most part things are very British, if ya get my meaning.

Anyway, other big changes since I was last on, and this is probably the biggest, I tied the knot with Teacher :)

Last Saturday in fact :) Kilts and bagpipes (on the ipod) were in full force and a great time was had by all!

More later. I promise to be more diligent with the updates, if for no other reason than these entries help to to stay squared away :)