Monday, July 21, 2008

Hotter than shit

I'd forgotten how bad it can get, or should I say, I'd forgotten why I vowed that I wouldn't live without central air ever again.

A week of 90 degree days, and window fans make a great reminder. Unfortunately the fact that all of that lovely water is just over the road makes the humidity climb something awful. Ah well, soon enough it'll be 20 below again :)

Discovered something strange about myself over the past couple of weeks. Apart from the fact that I mosquito bites swell up to the size of hens eggs, that is. It seems that if I get up a six in the morning and get to work about 7:30, my outlook on the day is much improved.

I'm not sure yet if it's down to the commute going from 45 minutes to twenty or if it's just that I'm not getting too much sleep or what, but I'm ready and (more important) willing to do all those shitty boring jobs that I would usually put off.

All in all a nice way to go.

So missed the kids this weekend. No one was home, so I missed the call home. I would have called my Dad, cos we all know how much She enjoys the conversation :) But he's on his worldly travels again. Which should in fact bring him over here next week.

Money's worrying me, not so much this week or next month even, more retirement. I smile to myself as I remember the look on Teachers face and change in the kids "tone" on MSN when I go off. I can't help it!

Why didn't anyone tell me when I was there age that a dollar in a retirement fund when your 20 will be worth over a thousand when your 60, but a dollar you put away when your 40 will only be worth 200!

(Do you like the way I keep mixing up text numbers with actual numbers? It's driving me nuts, don't know about you!)

Also knocking around the idea of finding a job in Britain, but putting my Green Card to use and trying to get posted to the US. In the best case that would mean that I would get paid in "quids" and still be able to live here. That may also help the house situation.

I was going to mention it, but nahh. Here's a link that'll tell the whole story instead:

I have to go now, I'm suddenly not feeling well...