Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Not so shiny today

After going on and on yesterday about being bright eyed and bushy tailed.. Yeah today I feel like ass as Surly would say. I wonder how he's doing?

Ah but I'm off on Friday! Ha! So it's probably the 9 hour days that doing me in. Or the lack of my morning cup of coffee.

So I'm going to have my coffee and breakfast granola bar and listen to Pandora for a bit and see if I'm inspired to work :)

Oh, I find myself in the Dog house, not only did I leave a load of washing at the laundry lastnight. I thought I'd done an awesome job of folding, it all fit in the two baskets without overflowing like it usually does. Nope simply left a dryer full of her clothes. She wasn't happy lastnight. Then this morning I go round there and pick it up, they open at seven. All the washing was there, yeah! I called her and let her know, a great relief.

Half way to work the phone goes off again. I forgot to put out the garbage. Again. Ahh what's a boy to do?! *sigh*